Amara Coaching and Training aligns and unifies Leadership Teams to deliver change and growth for the benefit of all its stakeholders.
- A measurable approach rooted in neuroscience and psychology -
Tamson Edmonds Msc
Executive and Leadership Coach
Founder of Amara Coaching and Training
Amara Coaching and Training aligns and unifies Leadership Teams to deliver change and growth for the benefit of all its stakeholders.
- A measurable approach rooted in neuroscience and psychology -
Imagine your Leadership Team aligned, unified and pulling in the same direction
In a world where technological innovation and economic volatility are the norm, it’s imperative for organisations and businesses to exhibit agility and adaptability to sustain resilience and maintain a competitive advantage.
Amidst the relentless flux of change and pressure, Leadership Teams may fragment and lose alignment, undermining the overall vision and giving rise to disconnection, conflict and silos.
This can permeate company culture, resulting in churn and hampering productivity and collaboration. Yet, through strategic alignment and effective leadership, these challenges can be transformed into opportunities for growth and unity.