Riding the Wave of Uncertainty: tools & techniques for times of change
Part 2: Mindset
During the Covid-19 crisis we are likely finding ourselves faced with many factors that are out of our control. For some this may be blissful and encourage a state of surrender, for others this may feel destabilising or frightening, as we can no longer plan and predict with the same degree of certainty. However an aspect that we can manage - with effort - is our mindset.
Developing a supportive mindset
In part 1 of this series, we explored three powerful questions to tune in to yourself, process emotion and enable perspective.
I invite you now to take a deep breath and consider another question;
How do I want to be during this time of uncertainty?
Take a moment, then make a note of the qualities and behaviours that arise in response to the question.
Now write down key words or phrases that pop into your mind when you think of the next three phrases:
1. Coronavirus
2. Being at home
3. The future
Our mindset is incredibly powerful. The extent to which we can deal with situations in life and how we behave is largely determined by the mindset we are operating from - i.e. our thoughts and beliefs concerning an issue.
Now take a look at your list and see what’s coming up for you.
Do your words soothe you or are they anxiety-inducing? Can you deduce, by looking at your associations, how well your mindset is helping you with how you want to be?
If you feel like your mindset could be hindering you from responding more creatively and positively, you can start to generate new and more useful thoughts and associations in relation to these three areas.
For instance when considering the future, if words like ‘scary’ or ‘doomed’ popped up then these thoughts are likely to trigger feelings of panic and anxiety whenever the future is considered.
A reframe such as ‘I trust myself to deal with whatever happens’ will reassure the system and encourage feelings of optimism and hope. In turn this strengthens the mind and the body to deal with the reality and mystery of what will unfold.
To check in with your mindset on any issue, simply write the issue down or say it out loud then observe what thoughts and beliefs come up. Consider how you want to be in relation to this issue and to what extent your mindset supports or hinders this, then reframe where necessary.