Right now, emotionally intelligent leadership is more crucial and relevant than ever. Tamson tells us more.
Cultivating a refined psychological skill set enables leaders of ALL genders to respond effectively to disruption. We can all learn to lead with authenticity, empathy, presence and decisiveness - by nurturing these qualities within ourselves.
Issues of race, racism, diversity and inclusion are firmly at the centre of public debate. The moment is ripe for us all to understand how unconscious bias and prejudice work from a psychological perspective, and create awareness within ourselves and our workplaces.
Having a strong belief in your capability will keep the mind and body reassured that ‘you’ve got this!’. However, what about your emotional needs that also require attention? Failure to deny these needs can lead to burnout
Part 1: Creating Clarity
During the Covid-19 crisis we are likely finding ourselves faced with many factors that are out of our control. For some this may be blissful and encourage a state of surrender, for others this may feel destabilising or frightening, as we can no longer plan and predict with the same degree of certainty. However an aspect that we can manage - with effort - is our mindset.
Part 2: Mindset
During the Covid-19 crisis we are likely finding ourselves faced with many factors that are out of our control. For some this may be blissful and encourage a state of surrender, for others this may feel destabilising or frightening, as we can no longer plan and predict with the same degree of certainty. However an aspect that we can manage - with effort - is our mindset.
Part 3: What’s your Red Thread?
The Red Thread is a simple and powerful game-changer for navigating these extraordinary times.
In Part 1, we began a process for creating clarity in our daily lives during lockdown, using three powerful questions. In Part 2, we explored how our mindset impacts our success and how we approach and respond to any situation.
Part 4: Your Inner Compass
In Part 4 of this series, I would like to help you contact and harness your instinct and intuition as indispensable allies and guides.
Work Culture Series - No. 1
My description of a good leader is; someone able to provide others with a sense of direction and clarity of purpose.
In the first of a new series of blogs on Wellbeing and Workplace Culture, I talk about two qualities that contribute to really great leadership: Direction and Purpose.
Work Culture Series - No. 2
In the second of a new series of blogs on Leadership, I share how a simple daily coaching technique can help you bring out the best in yourself, your team and your colleagues.
Work Culture Series - No. 3
How we lead our teams through this liminal time has the potential to set the bar for the very best and the very worst leadership. Internationally we have celebrated the down to earth genuineness of New Zealand’s prime minister Jacinda Ardern.