Riding the Wave of Uncertainty: tools & techniques for times of change
Part 3: What’s your Red Thread?
The Red Thread is a simple and powerful game-changer for navigating these extraordinary times.
In Part 1, we began a process for creating clarity in our daily lives during lockdown, using three powerful questions. In Part 2, we explored how our mindset impacts our success and how we approach and respond to any situation.
Our Red Thread aligns us with what is currently most important in any dynamic in our lives - our family, our work, our hobbies, our relationships. When we are clear on our Red Thread we can relate our daily micro-decisions and actions to this bigger picture.
I invite you to consider what is currently most important to you and why?
Your answer could be in relation to a quality you want to better practice e.g. patience, to foster better relationships at home, or a particular work activity or hobby. Consider why this is important at this time and what you would like to achieve or experience more of by focusing on it. Write down your answer in one simple sentence.
Once you have your Red Thread statement, you can ask yourself the Red Thread Question:
“What actions or decisions will help me to be more patient/ complete my tax return / finish a report to my team?”
Keep returning to your Red Thread Question as you move through your day, relating each micro-choice with your Red Thread to help you stay aligned and focused:
“Will this activity help me to finish and release my online course?”
“If I take this decision, will it help create the conditions I need to parent well?”
The Red Thread helps us feel more energised and productive because we become crystal clear about the purpose behind our actions. This is neurologically soothing for our minds and nervous systems. It helps us stay on track when the ongoing disruption to our day-to-day realities is anxiety-inducing, destabilizing or demotivating.
And remember to celebrate yourself each time you follow your Red Thread and take one more step in honouring what's most important to you right now.
To find out how to incorporate your Red Thread question at the start of every day, read Part 1: Creating Clarity.